Saturday, May 05, 2007


Grown weary

My phone again vibrated for the nth time. It was about 6 30 that opened my eyes and checked my phone for new messages. Then I read some and since my energy was yet to be fueled up completely, I went back to sleep. Again, my phone is ringing for new messages. I decided to wake up, it was 8 30, and read all of it. I don’t know, but I felt so tired after waking up. I don’t feel sleepy, but I really feel drained..

It is getting near.. the sympathy makes it more rapid. I can replenish all my energy anytime I want, I can replenish the gas of my tenacity anytime and anywhere.. but still, I am human.. I cant do everything, I cant live forever for everything. I cant absorb everything.

A sponge can absorb any amount of water it is capable to hold, but when a force acts on it and push it to its constraint, it will then exude everything and burst it all out, gush in insanity.

But not to worry.. I am just tired: Tired of convincing and arguing with other people. It is not easy to do what is right. It is not easy to attmpt to make everything perfect in its place. It is not easy to be me.. I have grown weary.. I need to breathe fresh air. I am throttled.. there is too much pressure, there is too much force..

My memory gap gets worse. It is my fault.. my brain is stuffed with so much misery and problems of other people. It consumes the space for memoirs of my past. Everything is sinking in, but paradoxically, it is not. I am pushing my self to engross it.

It is arduous to hope for the best when all you do is to put a handful of effort over a single problem and never gets better because of resentment. Why cant people think for the best. Why cant people accept realities of life. We converge to resolve things but deep inside, it is still not ok. We cannot sacrifice a little bit of ourselves for the better of somebody else. Everything will end up to one of the deadliest sins.. selfishness.

It is a fact. We cannot be GOD. But it is human nature (should be human nature) to try to be flawless and follow whatever path that should be followed. We have a choice, and it is in our choice that brings us our future. It is not the fault of other people if we regret the thing s from the past, because we have the CHOICE to do what we ought to do.

Problems.. they made me.. I am created with these adversities. They go through my blood. It makes me insane..

A sponge may exude the water, but after that, it will naturally, slowly
it again..

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