Monday, May 21, 2007


Scoundrel –my mouth-

It has been a while since those words came out of my mouth. I haven’t used it for like ages.. hmm.. not really, for only about 3 months –I guess-.


That was the word. I went to masci today expecting a rehearsal to take place but unfortunately, we were just asked to sing in the meeting of the parents and students about the Brigada Eskwela. We also joined the dreadful parade. We circled the roads surrounding masci. It was so shameful.. we were at the front of the line since they said that we are graduates, and we need utmost exposure (??).

That was actually tiring. After singing, we decided (the choir) with maam carlos to go to MOA. Wow. This is the first time i am going to MOA with the choir. We ate at Pillo loco. The food was edible. That’s all I can say. Then after eating, we had some chit chats then decided to go skating. Sadly, mrs. Carlos can’t go with us since she is afraid that she might just injure herself. Hmm.. she sat at the benches and watched us glide on ice! She was actually with pau xu and iric ( I don’t know why they did i not go skating with us). I had fun on ice! –as what the coupon says- hehe.

I tumbled three times. It did not hurt that much since I tried to stand up immediately. i even toppled and scratched my elbow on the ice. Hmm, weird, it did not hurt that much too. So why did all of these misfortunes occurred? Well, it was because of ph, and 20% because of jay v and celiz. It was so abrupt. I just found myself playing tag with them. I was aiming for ph since I know that I can tag him easier than jay v. that was the time I said “tangina ka ph” haha *smiles*. I got that scratch while he was catching me as I was entering the rink.. I was running –hastily- and since it was only my 4th time to skate, having deficient skills on skating, I stumbled and got that scratch. There.. haha. And that was also the first time –for 3 months- I uttered that word.

After that we went to quatum. The usual leisure, maniax, karaoke and revo.. the suddenly.. danikko called. I told them to go to timezone. Hmm. So they went to timezone. I was a bit.. appalled… uhhmm.. Fussed? Worried? Agitated? i think... we also played maniax. Unfortunately, choir needs to leave. So I waved farewell to them, told celiz and ph that i can't go with them, and went with kamil and danikko. We just ate at jollibee. Haha. Laughed and laughed.

I had a blast today.. hmm.. upbeat. Downbeat. -_-‘ x_x

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