Friday, April 06, 2007


I just turned seventeen.. gawd… it is sooo different.. I don’t feel like 17, I feel like 15!! Though I look 18 in my most exhausted moment in my life.. that is great!! Maybe, I don’t feel like 17 because I hardly felt my birthday.. gawd.. this is the 2nd to the worst bday I have ever had.. well, the first one was last year…

Why didn’t I feel my birthday. I was not able to clench the essence of my birthday due to my “laspag” mode last grad ball, and the grad ball itself. I was assigned to make the avp, (which I happily accepted and in fact I volunteered to make it) 31 hours. It took me that long. Our computer is such a shit.. it is so sluggish and ready for breakdown. I hate that don’t send thing on my screen, telling me that the program should close. I experienced it for more that ten times, so I had to start allover again my avp. Good thing, it has a recover mode implanted in its program. Woohhh.. I used two computers, onepc and one laptop. The problem with that laptop is it has a 539 mb space for storage. Gawd!!!whats with this computer!! It does not even have anything in it but there is only 500++ memory. So I have to do everything almost manually. I can actually put it in automatic mode but it will take ages before it finishes. So there, around 4 pm, I finished the avp without checking it or even, having a glimpse of the finished product..

Ok. Continuation. There, I was able to finish the avp around 3 pm.. after that, I got flustered, went to Robinsons immediately to buy a tie, but I found my self, looking for longsleeves. So my parents left me there, they went to my brother’s apartment to get my coat. Everything seems so impromptu. Adrenaline rush, I went directly to the department store, nothing was there, I went to lacoste, onesimus, bench?! Penshoppe?! Then I saw g2000! It was on sale!! I saw a stunning polo. It was black and sold for only 700 pesos! That was 30 percent off, so I immediately purchased it. It took me one and a half hour to find that polo. I matched it with my gray tie. I arrived at the hotel, wearing nothing but sheer house attire.. haha. I felt so poor then.. haha then I immediately got the keys of my room from the freaky lady at the frontdesk and in a flash, went to my room, washed, and got dressed. I looked good!!

Then the gradbol started,, they showed the avp, it was good.. I think everybody liked it. Then we danced.. I danced with jansot.. 5 songs.. (tinatamad na ako mgtype) I danced with esther.. it was the worst ever.. I was about to cry then.. good thing I am equipped with tear controlling device. So I was able to impede it from flowing intensely. Woo… there.. my day came. Ding dong. 12 am na. some greetd me.. some did not.. it was fine. So we celebrated my birthday ( coper) in our room, ate mcdo and slept. That was it. And left my pocket totally wrecked. Goodd… but then, when everybody was out, and as I was cleaning up the room coper left me to clean up, a sound of the bell suddenly chimed. I opened the door.. T.T all of the Einstein people went in, carrying a cake with them, singin me a happy birthday.. I was really touched.. I was about to burst out in tears.. pero nakakahiya un. Haha so, I controlled it once again. So there.. I was not able to absorb it fully. Haggard.. so then, we went to school for practice, then ate with the choir people. Then dani and guiwo bought me a ring.. it was good.. I liked it.. then I went home.. lost.. drained.. and went to sleep.. it was not the best birthday. Gloomy.. sad.. morbid!!! I hate u.. u ruined it.. ex.

1 comment:

Philippe said...

Uhmm.. isa lang ang masasabi ko. Ang weird ng blogskin. Ok n sana ung brown eh.. Pero may metallic na ewan pa,, Uhmm. Mali ung kinokomentan ko diba? Haha.

Kahit ganiyan man ang birthday mo, magiging grateful ka diyan promise! Alam ko pagtanda natin, hindi na magiging ganyan ka "bustling" with activity ang mga birthdays natin. Heck, wala pa nga yatang magaatubiling pumunta eh.

Kailangan lang talaga maging grateful. Tingnan mo ung post ni Leslie,


para na siyang mamamatay sa sobrang ka thethenk you niya. hehe.