Sunday, June 01, 2008

i dream big!

first, i have to finish college then i'll take masters and then, haha maybe i would take archi subjects, or should i shift now? nah! i dont want to shift. it will take lots of my energy before i can shift. then i will find a nice job, a company that is international. i want to do good in that company and transfer to korea make myself a director there. but first, i have to find a korean wife. i love koreans. well, im not being a trator to my nation but i just love korea, i want to live there, i think it's fun. snow, nice scenery and good people. i love its culture. i want to go to korea, and have a filo-korean family. that would be really nice. i will study kung fu too! haha. got inspired from Forbidden Kingdom. i want to live a happy life. and surely, i won't forget to bring my Christianity to my family

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